Parents:  The Department of Human Services has issued some covid-related benefit cards to qualifying families related to virtual days taught in your school district and to students' free or reduced school meals statuses.  If you receive a black and white card in the mail labeled 'P-EBT' which shows your student's name, this is a benefit card that can be used for purchasing EBT qualifying groceries at Oklahoma stores that accept EBT cards.  For out-of-state stores, you will have to inquire at a store if it accepts the card; out-of-state stores may or may not recognize these cards, which are issued through OKDHS.
Please see the accompanying information sheet.  If you have a question for DHS regarding a card you have received, a contact number is listed.  There is also information listed for how parents may submit an online form if they think their student qualified but did not receive a card.  These inquiry forms will be accepted through Feb. 28, 2022, for questions regarding the 2020-2021 school year.  To have qualified, a student's household would have needed to have submitted a qualifying household application for free or reduced school meals for that school year.

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